Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Brussel Sprout Stalk

Typically brussel sprouts are sold in smallish bags at the grocery.  But last week, I discovered something totally different!  What I found was a freakishly giant stalk of brussel sprouts!  I was more intrigued than anything and had to purchse the stalk out of sheer curiosity at how and why they were being sold this way, rather than the standard bag of brussels.  I was happily surprised that once they were shucked off the stalk and cooked, they were SO much more tender than the typical.  They nearly melted in my mouth!  So even though it was strangely jolly-green-giant'esque and it barely fit in the refrigerator, I will seek out this stalk of brussels again because the difference was unmatched! 

I wonder if I can grown my own using the stalk?  We shall see...

Hey, did you know...
  • Brussels sprouts can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will use a steaming method when cooking them. The fiber-related components in Brussels sprouts do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw Brussels sprouts still have cholesterol-lowering ability-just not as much as steamed Brussels sprouts.
  • Brussels sprouts may have unique health benefits in the area of DNA protection. A recent study has shown improved stability of DNA inside of our white blood cells after daily consumption of Brussels sprouts in the amount of 1.25 cups. Interestingly, it's the ability of certain compounds in Brussels sprouts to block the activity of sulphotransferase enzymes that researchers believe to be responsible for these DNA-protective benefits.
  • For total glucosinolate content, Brussels sprouts are now known to top the list of commonly eaten cruciferous vegetables. Their total glucosinolate content has been shown to be greater than the amount found in mustard greens, turnip greens, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, or broccoli. In Germany, Brussels sprouts account for more glucosinolate intake than any other food except broccoli. Glucosinolates are important phytonutrients for our health because they are the chemical starting points for a variety of cancer-protective substances. All cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates and have great health benefits for this reason. But it's recent research that's made us realize how especially valuable Brussels sprouts are in this regard.
  • The cancer protection we get from Brussels sprouts is largely related to four specific glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable: glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin, sinigrin, and gluconasturtiian. Research has shown that Brussels sprouts offer these cancer-preventive components in special combination.
  • Brussels sprouts have been used to determine the potential impact of cruciferous vegetables on thyroid function. In a recent study, 5 ounces of Brussels sprouts were consumed on a daily basis for 4 consecutive weeks by a small group of healthy adults and not found to have an unwanted impact on their thyroid function. Although follow-up studies are needed, this study puts at least one large stamp of approval on Brussels sprouts as a food that can provide fantastic health benefits without putting the thyroid gland at risk. 
Why not share the goodness...buy a Brussel Sprout mousepad for the health nut in your life. 
Perfect for the quirky holiday gift you've been searching for!! 

40% Off Mousepads
Use Code: JINGLESALE85    
Simple and Delicious Brussel Sprout Mousepad mousepad
View more mousemats on zazzle
 + Free Ship on ALL $35+ Orders!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I decided to make an attempt at creating the Fruit Gobbler centerpiece for our Thanksgiving Dinner.  It was a complete success!  I used red grapes, colby jack and pepper jack cheese for the back feathers, red and yellow peppers for the inside feathers (and red peppers for the teeny weeny feet that were hilariously disproportionate), a mellon for the body and a pear for the head.  I was very pleased with how it turned out and it really did make for a great conversation piece.   

Once we disassembled the feathers, my sister-in-law decided it needed a "wrap".  She opened up a napkin and placed it on the mellon.  Another great conversation piece. :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Seasonal Delights

The holidays are here, which means it's time to raise a glass and celebrate. Although finding an interesting cocktail may prove to be challenging.  If you're tired of the typical red and/or white wine, or even a pale ale of sorts, why not party down with these few choice Thanksgiving cocktails.

Pumpkin Martini:

  1.  Line up the martini glasses and fill with ice and water. This will chill the glass quickly.
  2. For each martini, add 2 oz of vodka, 3 tablespoons of pumpkin puree and 2 tablespoons of simple syrup to the shaker. Shake VERY well.
  3. Pour out the ice/water mixture and pour in the pumpkin martini. Dust with pumpkin pie spice.


  1. Fill up a Martini or cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Pour cranberry juice and vodka over ice.
  3. Shake and strain it into a Martini glass.
  4. Garnish with a lemon slice before serving.

Frozen Pumpkin Pie Martini:

  1. Rub the rim of your martini glasses with a wedge of lime and dip into a dish filled with graham cracker crumbs. (Similar to salt on a margarita glass, this will give you a graham crust for you drinks)
  2. Blend ice, ice cream, condensed milk, pumpkin and rum in the blender until thick and smooth.
  3. Pour into graham cracker encrusted glasses.
  4. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.
And please do drink responsibly.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Natural Digestive Aid

Thanksgiving is a time where most people over indulge.  And then as a chaser, some may pop a few anti-heartburn tablets.  As an alternative, why not try the Super Papaya Enzyme Plus - aka - the "after meal" supplement.  Not only does it have a light, pleasing taste, it will help you digest your food the natural way.

An advanced, more powerful digestive aid, the "after meal" supplement contains 100% natural enzymes and may be especially helpful when looking for a higher level of support.  Each serving contains 15 mg of delicious papaya fruit fortified with well-known enzymes, including papain, protease, amaylase and bromelain, which may help improve the absorption of food and protein digestion.  Peppermint and Chlorophyll are added to refresh taste and sweeten breath.

If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications, consult your doctor before use. 

Free of:
Yeast, wheat, gluten, milk or milk derivatives, lactose, sugar, preservatives, soy, artificial color, sodium (less than 5mg per serving).

For adults, chew three (3) tablets following meals.  As a breath freshener, dissolve one (1) or two (2) tablets in mouth when needed.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Get your appetite in check

Wheat bread doesn't have to be boring. Add a touch of butter or some EVOO after toasting it, and you have yourself a tasty light breakfast loaded with nutrients. Do yourself a favor and eat wheat!

Note Card:  $2.45 each
Click to Customize the Tasty Wheat Bread Greeting Card
Eggs are part of the quintessential breakfast, often with toast or some crisp fried bacon. Eggs are rather nutritious too. It’s chockfull of goodies like vitamins (A, B, D and E), minerals (iodine, zinc, calcium) and protein. 
Note Card:  $2.45 each
Click to Customize the Over Easy Sunday Greeting Card 


If you live in Central Ohio, then you are very familiar with Massey's Pizza. If you consider yourself a connoisseur of great pizza or just a serious pizza lover, you owe it to yourself to try world famous Massey's Pizza. The difference is dramatic!
Note Card:  $2.45 each


Homegrown tropical pineapple from Florida provide the most incredibly sweet flavor. No comparison to anything found in the grocery store.
Mousepads:  $10.95 each


Pretty. Sweet. Colorful. This dessert sampler photo of Mirangue was taken by Lisa Shapiro, (Dining in DC) at Willow Restaurant in Arlington, VA.
As low as $4.95 for a sheet of 20


Located at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Cafe du Parc offers hearty sandwiches and healthy salads in abundance at this poolside bistro. Set in a manicured French garden beside our rooftop pool, du Parc caters to swimmers, sunbathers and anyone hungry for quick snack. This eclectic cafe offers convenience and exceptional food.
Note Card:  $2.45 each
Click to Customize the Cafe du Parc Greeting Card

Friday, November 19, 2010


Yes, it's 2+ weeks post-Halloween but these carved pumpkins are too good not to share.  They are not your typical pumpkins...check out the detail!!  The "Disgruntled Geriatric" pumpkin was entered into a Carving Contest at DeviantArt and received the title of Runner Up (even though we think it should have won).  Check out the other entries here.

It's obvious the amount of time that was invested in the carving process.  It's purely mind-blowing.  See for yourself... 

I*N*C*R*E*D*I*B*L*E !!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fruit Gobbler

Founds this awesome Thanksgiving appetizer display on http://familyfun.go.com/magazine/!  I love the colors of the grapes and the cheese together.  Another version would be the grapes, cheddar chees as well as pear chunks for additional color.  Give it a try!  It's seems easy to assemble -- and would be delicious to take apart, not to mention, a great conversation piece for your appetizer table!

  • Bosc pear (head)
  • Melon (body)
  • Cheese (beak and tail feathers)
  • Red pepper (snood, feet and side feathers)
  • Raisins (eyes)
  • Grapes (tail feathers)
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Toothpicks
  1. Stabilize the melon body by cutting a shallow slice off the rind to form a flat base. Using a section of bamboo skewer, attach a Bosc pear head to the melon, as shown.
  2. Cut a cheese triangle beak and red pepper snood. Attach both, along with raisin eyes, to the head with sections of toothpick.
  3. Cut red pepper feet and set them in place. For tail feathers, skewer cheese cubes and red grapes, then insert the skewers as shown. Pin pepper side feathers in place with toothpicks.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

True Meaning of a Healthy Diet

Most people when asked what the term "healthy diet" means will think only about consuming salads without dressing and eating toasts made from whole grain breads and not eating any butter. In other words the mind will conjure up visions of eating plain and boring foods day after day.

But, it need not be like that because you can make your diet more interesting without sacrificing on any health benefits.

In fact, the right kind of health diet plan will not have to be a boring plan that involves eating fat free foods or even those foods that are low in calorie count and which are bland and quite tasteless. As a matter of fact it is possible to eat tasty snacks and you can also enjoy a variety of dishes that help you achieve the twin objectives of eating healthy and eating interesting foods.

You only need to start off the plan by looking at a food pyramid and then find out which foods from this pyramid can help you achieve a healthier body. To get more options you should search over the net to find out from the many different sites what foods are good for you and which recipes you should make use of to create the right kind of healthy but enjoyable foods.

A healthy diet plan does not mean having to fit your body into a straight jacket. Instead it means eating healthy foods which in turn involves avoiding extreme actions and instead you have to focus on consuming healthy foods and being sensitive to the needs of your body.  You'll be glad you did.  Eating healthy is completely rewarding, both inside and out.

My new blog!

I look forward to blogging about my food trippin' and appreciating other eats.  Thanks for stopping by!

This photo by 1st-healthyfood.com is an incredible disply of some of my favorite foods.  Amazing!