Monday, January 23, 2012

What's so great about Kale?

Oh, pretty much everything!  Kale comes from the family of plants that includes mustard greens, broccoli and other foods in the cabbage, or cruciferous, family. These vegetables are loaded with vitamins (such as A, C, K and B), iron, calcium and fiber.  As a bonus, scientists claim kale contains anti-oxidant properties that reduce inflammation and repair damaged cells. Kale can be boiled, which decreases its cancer-fighting ability, stir-fried, steamed or microwaved. But the way to make a can't-stop-eating-'em treat the whole family will crave is to bake it until crispy and crunchy. The sturdy leaves hold their shape better than other leafy vegetables when baked.

Kale "Chips"

Kale chips are super healthy and really tasty!  And very simple to make.  Follow this recipe and you will soon be pushing aside the greasy traditional potato chips and reaching for the green stuff...

Step 1.  Heat oven to it's lowest temperature...mine is 170 degrees.

Step 2.  Strip leaves from kale stems by pulling with your fingers from the bottom to top of each stem. 

Step 3. Rinse and carefully dry the leaves.  A salad spinner works great!

Step 4.  Place the washed and dried kale in a large zip lock bag. Put about 1 tbsp of olive oil into the bag and give it a good shake.  Just make sure all parts of the kale are coated.

Step 5.  Then, line your baking sheets with either foil or parchment paper and distribute the kale onto the pan(s).  Sprinkle with salt.  They are now ready to bake!

Step 6.  Bake until the kale turns darker and crisp, 2 hours, 15 minutes.  It seems like a long time but in my opinion, the chips taste better when cooked low and slow -vs- at higher temps for a shorter time.  I think the higher the temps, the more bitter the chips (and they leave a slight after taste but not when cooked  at lower temps). 

The finished product!  You will end up with crispy, darker, airy and healthy chips.  p/ sure you floss after eating Kale Chips...they tend to linger between your teeth. 

Nutrition information:
Per serving: 169 calories, 42% of calories from fat, 8 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 22 g carbohydrates, 7 g protein, 160 mg sodium, 8 g fiber.

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1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Can't wait to try it out!
    Great healthy snack recipe, thanks for sharing!
